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Comparing the Lехus ЕЅ 350 with the RХ 350 F-Ѕроrt

Comparing the Lехus ЕЅ 350 with the RХ 350 F-Ѕроrt

Тhеу’rе two very different tуреs of drіvіng ехреrіеnсеs; each has their strоng and wеаk роіnts. Іn tоdау’s аrtісlе, we tеst-drіvе two 2016 Lехus vеhісlеs – the 2016 RХ 350 F-Ѕроrt ЅUV and the 2016 ЕЅ 350 sеdаn, rероrtіng on the mеrіts and dеmеrіts of each bоdу stуlіng. Fіrst, both vеhісlеs do what they do ехtrеmеlу wеll.
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Popularity of Acura MDX cars

Popularity of Acura MDX cars

Among the many vehicles released in recent years, some cars stand out in terms of technology, luxury, features, and popularity. In this regard, Acura has a name which not many cars own. When it got displayed in the International Auto Show of Detroit, the spectators awed while watching it. The jaw-dropping features of the car make it even more desirable  This type of inclination is normal.
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Explore the stunning features of the Ford Escape SE

Explore the stunning features of the Ford Escape SE

With its first car being an experimental one that was built in Henry Ford’s backyard in Detroit back in 1896, the Ford line of cars has come a long way since then. Its top-selling models of today include the 2017 Ford Escape SE. This is a compact five-passenger crossover SUV that made its way on the roads and in people’s hearts not too long after its initial launch.
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Explore the performance features of the new Ford Fusion

Explore the performance features of the new Ford Fusion

Technological excellence takes years of perseverance and a lot of hard work to pour in world-class characteristics in a vehicle. Whether it is a car, truck, minivan, pickup truck, or something else, manufacturers spend a number of years and invest millions to shape a vehicle that would fulfill the needs of their customers.
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Top 3 sedans of 2017

Top 3 sedans of 2017

Sedans have been a popular choice of cars for many owing to their several benefits and features. The four doors of the sedan allow for convenient access to get into the car. Sedans also have a better trunk space, which is a huge bonus. If you are planning to buy a new car, here are some of the best sedan of 2017 that you can consider buying.
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Best compact cars of 2018

Best compact cars of 2018

Sedans and hatchbacks are ideal for those looking for compact yet roomy cars in the mid-price section. They offer ample trunk space and some of them even have the best features like SUVs within the compact cabin. Another reason for their popularity is the fuel efficiency offered, which is better than SUVs and other categories of cars.
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